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School of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences

Erstwhile Departments of (i) Earth Sciences, and (ii) Marine Sciences


Sanjeev C. Ghadi
Senior Professor of Biotechnology

Vice-Dean (Academic)

Anthony Arthur A. Viegas
Associate Professor of Earth Science

Vice-Dean (Research)

Vishnu Murty Matta
Professor of Marine Sciences

Year of Establishment : 2019

Office Phone : +91-8669609198; +91-8669809239

Email : [email protected]


The School of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences (SEOAS) was established by the amalgamation of two departments that are related to planetary studies, viz., Earth Science (established in 1986) and Marine Sciences (1985) to deliver better together. Marine Microbiology, Environmental Science, Atmospheric Science and Remote sensing & GIS were added to the School during the A.Y. 2020-21, 2021-22, 2022-23, respectively.

The significant coupling between lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and cryosphere necessitated a holistic approach to study Earth system science that include Marine Sciences, Marine Microbiology, Atmospheric Science, Remote sensing and the environment, highlights the dynamic nature of the Earth system. The daunting task of Oceanographers, Earth Scientists, Marine Microbiologists, Environmentalists and Atmospheric Scientists is to understand the complex dynamics and wade through the present crisis of climate change to create a sustainable environment for the human to survive.

The focus of the school is to provide quality education and research in earth system science through an integrated approach with a view to the deciphering process for sustainable development. Since we have framed our syllabi in tandem with the NET syllabus, our pedagogy makes the courses offered by the school as the most favoured in post graduating earth system science, with strongly inter-disciplinary courses.

The research funding from external agencies are not only a measure of research quality but also a good judgment of the acclaim our faculty members held in academic and research arena. By this metric, we are doing well, as our school has the largest external cash flow amongst the science faculty in GU.

Funding is mainly from Ministry of Earth Sciences (MOEs), Ministry of Shipping, Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Naval Research Board (NRB), University Grants Commission (UGC) along with Department of Science and Technology (DST). Outstanding faculty members will be recruited to carry out teaching and research for this programme. This will enable the school to have a strong inter-disciplinary faculty by the end of 2022. In addition to PG programmes, the school will provide the need-based certificate and PG diploma courses. Students registering for the Ph.D. degree will have the option to get a degree in any branch of the earth system science viz; Marine Sciences (Physical Oceanography, Chemical Oceanography, Marine Biology, Marine Geology), Marine Microbiology, Atmospheric Science, Hydrography, Remote Sensing & Geographic Information System, Polar Science and Environmental Science.

Thrust areas:

  • Marine Sciences:
  • Aerosol and Radiative Forcing, Application of GIS & Remote Sensing, Aquatic Chemistry, Coastal Water Optics, Estuarine Chemistry and Geochemistry, Fisheries and Aquaculture, Marine Biodiversity, Seaweed Chemistry.

  • Applied Geology:
  • Modern Sedimentology, Sediment Geochemistry, Petroleum Geology of Mesozoic Basins, Igneous Petrology and Volcanology, Micropalaeontology, Ground water Geology, Micro plastics, Structural Geology, Metamorphic Petrology.

  • Marine Microbiology:
  • Microbial bioremediation, Marine microbial secondary metabolites, Marine associate-microbiome, Bacteria-Phytoplankton interactions, Archaea, Biofilms, Marine Protists, Microbial Bio-prospecting, Marine Mycology.

  • Environmental Science:
  • Environmental Impact Assessment, Ground water resource management, Solid waste management, Biodegradation and sustainable development with emphasis on local issues.

  • Atmospheric Sciences:
  • Air-sea interactions and its role in Global climate, Development and impact of Indian monsoons.

  • Remote Sensing and GIS:
  • Applications of Remote sensing and GIS, Mapping of coastal habitats, Khazan lands, and coastal erosion, Management of biodiversity with reference to tourism.

Academic programmes leading to a Degree / Diploma / Certificate :

Programme Programme Director Intake
M.A. Environmental ScienceTime Table | Syllabus | Syllabus 2022-23 Sneha Babi Ghadi15
M.Sc. Applied GeologyTime Table | Syllabus | Revised Syllabus | Syllabus 2022-23 Niyati Kalangutkar31
M.Sc. Environmental ScienceTime Table | Syllabus | Syllabus 2022-23 Sheryl Oliveira Fernandes16
M.Sc. Marine MicrobiologyTime Table | Syllabus | Revised Syllabus | Syllabus 2022-23 Varada Samir Damare25
M.Sc. Marine SciencesTime Table | Syllabus | Syllabus 2022-23 Maheshwar R. Nasnodkar31
Ph.D. Earth Science--
Ph.D. Marine Microbiology--
Ph.D. Marine Sciences--


Name Designation Areas of Interest
Arjun AdhikariResearch AssociateCoastal Oceanography, Measuring and investigating turbulence in estuarine and coastal waters, Remote Sensing and Laboratory Analyses
Chanda Vikrant BerdeAssistant ProfessorMicrobial bioremediation, Marine microbiology, microbial secondary metabolites, archaea, endophytic microorganisms
Priya Mallika D'CostaAssistant ProfessorMarine Microbiology, Interactions Between Bacteria and Phytoplankton, Diatom Diversity, Biofilms
Varada Samir DamareAssistant ProfessorMarine Microbiology, Microbial Ecology, Marine Protists, Microbial Bioprospecting, Bioremediation, Trophic Interactions
Sheryl Oliveira FernandesAssistant ProfessorMarine microbial ecology; Marine biogeochemistry
Sohini GangulySERB Research ScientistIgneous Petrology, Volcanology and Geochemistry
Pooja P. GhadiAssistant ProfessorPolar Micropaleontology, Paleoclimate, Structural Geology
Niyati KalangutkarAssistant ProfessorIgneous Petrology and Volcanology
Nikita Pradip LotlikarAssistant ProfessorMicrobial biochemistry, Molecular biology and Marine Mycology
Vishnu Murty MattaProfessorMarine Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Seaweed Chemistry
Mahesh M. MayekarAssistant ProfessorGroundwater Geology, Igneous Petrology
Harilal B. MenonSenior ProfessorPhysical Oceanography, Coastal water optics, aerosol and radiative forcing, Radiative transfer modelling of visible spectrum of EMR, Optical remote sensing of coastal and estuarine waters
Sangeeta Mahableshwar NaikAssistant ProfessorMarine Biogeochemistry and Marine Ecology
Maheshwar R. NasnodkarAssistant ProfessorMarine Chemistry, Estuarine Geochemistry
Chandrashekher U. RivonkerSenior ProfessorMarine Biodiversity and Ecology, Fisheries, Aquaculture, Phytoplankton Ecology
Poornima Rohan SawantAssistant ProfessorMineralogy, Geochemistry and Igneous Petrology
Avirup SenResearch AssociateStudy on the characterization and dynamics of atmospheric aerosols, Radiative Forcing, Aerosol chemistry
Nicole Ann Fae SequeiraAssistant ProfessorStructural Geology, Metamorphic Petrology and Precambrian Tectonics
Diviya C. VaigankarAssistant ProfessorMarine Microbiology, Nanobiotechnology, Molecular Biology, Metal resistant bacteria, Bioremediation
Anthony Arthur A. ViegasAssociate ProfessorIgneous Petrology

Superannuated Faculty:

Name Designation Areas of Interest
Mahender KothaSenior ProfessorSedimentology & Petroleum Geology of Mesozoic Basins; Application of GIS & Remote Sensing in Earth Sciences
Shankarshana UpadhyayAssociate ProfessorMarine Chemistry, Estuarine Chemistry, Aquatic Chemistry


The School is equipped with a rich infrastructure, mostly acquired under sponsored projects making a State-of-the-Art laboratory. The following list of the laboratory/equipment would provide a glimpse of the infrastructure in the school.

  • Marine Chemistry Laboratory:
    • Refrigerator
    • Hot air oven with Stabilizer
    • Remi centrifuge (PR. 23)
    • MilliQ Tank
    • MilliQ Water System
    • Millipore (Pre-filteration unit)
    • Bioage water purification system with storage tank
    • Water bath (PPT)
    • Water bath shaker model L5B-24 (spectrolab)
    • Analytical weighing balance (ACZet, Metlar Toledo, Shimadzu)
    • pH meter (Thermo Scientific)
    • Autoclave (Biotechnics India)
    • Deep Freezer
  • Marine Geology Laboratory:
    • Centrifuge unit
    • Orbital shaking incubator
    • Sieve shaker
    • Muffle furnace
    • Microwave degestion system
    • Hot Plate
    • Fume hood
  • Marine Biology Laboratory:
    • Microscope – Nikon Eclipse Ti-S Epifluorescence microscope
    • Microscope – Olympus IX51 Fluorescence microscope
    • Zooplankton splitter
    • Eco sounder
    • Quadrant
    • Bon quadrant
    • Corer
    • Sieve set
    • Ekman Grab, Petersens Grab
    • Koltwiz chamber
    • Flow meter
    • Stempler pipette
    • Secchi Disc
    • Phytoplankton net
    • Zooplankton net
    • Niskin Sampler
    • Hand winch
    • Laminar Air Flow Unit
  • Physical Oceanography/ Remote Sensing Laboratory:
    • Satlantic Radiometer
    • Absorption and attenuation instrurment (Ac-9)
    • WetSTAR CDOM flourometer
    • Three angle back-scattering meter
    • Automatic Weather station
    • Multiwavelength Radiometer for in-situ generation of aerosol
    • Aethalometer
    • Sunphotometer
    • Meteorological tower with sensors
    • Flourometer
    • Quratz Crystal Microbalance (QCM)
    • Conductivity Temperture Depth measuring instrument (CTD)
    • Water sample analyzer
  • Instrumentation Room:
    • 10 KVA Battery backup
    • TOC Analyzer (shimadzu)
    • Flame and Graphite AAS (Thermo Scientific) ICE 3500
    • Spectrophotometer (UV-1800)

To watch the video click on the following links:

  • Faculty and Infrastructure of Marine Science Programme
  • Geology Museum
  • Other Information:

  • Activity Report: National Science Day (28 Feb 2024)
  • Activity Report: Visit to Aquaculture at Kumta Karnataka (13 Oct 2023)
  • Activity Report: Embarking on a global Academic Journey: Insights into the PhD Application Process in Earth Science. (25 Jul 2023)
  • Activity Report: Drug discovery from natural sources and roadmap towards commercialization (31 Jul 2023)
  • Activity Report: A yoga session on the occasion of International Yoga Day (23 Jun 2023)
  • Activity Report: Industrial Bioprocesses – Chart Making and Display (20 Apr 2023)
  • Activity Report: Field trips and industrial visits for Marine Microbiology students (15 Feb & 17-18 Mar 2023)
  • Activity Report: Logo competition for SEOAS students (14 Feb 2023)
  • Activity Report: Talk entitled 'Remote Sensing in Earth Sciences: Changes in Land Cover and Land Use in Goa During the Last Few Decades' delivered by Dr Alvarinho J. Luis. (14 Feb 2023)
  • Activity Report: Talk by Dr R.A. Narayanan, Head Ocean Ag Tecch, Sea6 Energy Pvt. Ltd. (9 Feb 2023)
  • Activity Report: Invited talk on ‘IPR, Innovations and Entrepreneurship (3 Oct 2022)
  • Activity Report: World Fungus Day (1 Oct 2022)
  • Activity Report: Rabies Awareness Quiz (28 Sep 2022)
  • Activity Report: Talk on Intellectual Property Rights: Patents and its use in marine research (24 Aug 2022)
  • Activity Report: Spelling Bee competition (8 Aug 2022)
  • Activity Report: International Day of Yoga celebrations (21 Jun 2022)
  • Report of Microbiologists Society India (MBSI) Student Unit of SEOAS for the AY 2021-22