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Computer Cluster Laboratory


The need for setting up of this laboratory arises from the fact that many important recent advances in our understanding of the physical world have been driven by large-scale computational modeling and data analysis. Our computer cluster consists of commodity-grade computers networked into a small local area network with libraries and programs installed which allow processing to be shared among them. The result is a high-performance parallel computing cluster from inexpensive personal computer hardware.

Research areas:

Ultra cold bosons trapped in the optical lattices are the ideal simulators of solid-state crystals. The phases that are only perceived theoretically in the condensed-matter physics due to experimental constraints can be realized in the optical lattices due to controllability over various parameters such as the lattice constants, defects. The simple model which depicts these optical lattice systems is the Bose Hubbard model. Presently our work is focused on theoretically studying the phases and excitations in the optical lattices using the Bose Hubbard models and its derivatives using various numerical methods which include mean-field theories, DMRG and RSRG.

Resources and facilities:

Two computer cluster with 60 CPU cores with Intel core and AMD processors.


Since its inception, the laboratory has contributed towards numerous publications, six Ph.D. theses and several Master’s level dissertations.

Contact persons: Prof. Ramesh V. Pai

Lab Equipment